Florence's Album

When Florence Mae Brown McCormick passed away on June 16, 2004 she left behind many photo albums filled with pictures. These are some selected photo’s out of the hundreds that we scanned. Thanks to Barb McCormick for allowing these to be shared.

Lena and her Brother

Lena Kobelt Age 10

Lena Kobelt

Florence Mae Brown

Willis McCormick

Florence and Myron McCormick

Florence and Stella

Garnett and Gail Reynolds

Garnett and Stella Brown

Garnett Brown et al

Stella and Garnett

Stella Rich Kobelt Brown at Lake Sutherland

Stella  and her Garden

Stella 1943 67 YOA

Carl Ruoff Carman

Carl and Ted Ruoff

Clyde Ruoff

Dorothy Ruoff

Anita Ruoff

Gladys Ruoff

Anita and Carl

Ted Ruoff

Carl and Ted

Petty Officer 1st Class Ted Ruoff

CPO Ted Ruoff

Florence Ted Willis

Ted Ruoff Portrait

Lena Kobelt and Carl Ruoff

Lena and Carl Ruoff

Dorothy Ruoff


Edgar and Dorothy

Dorothy Wedding

Edgar and Dorothy

Wayne Maynard Morse 5 Months



Wayne and Dorothy

Dorothy Lena Stella Wayne

Dorothy Carl Sr Carl Jr and Wayne

Dorothy Carl Ted Gladys Anita Wayne

Dorothy June Anita Stella Wayne


Gladys and Carl Ruoff

Florence and Freind

Lena and Family 1

Lena and Family

[Albums] [Ruoff] [Troutner] [Davis/Brown] [Florence's Album] [RuoffBrown] [Schiltel]